Recourses - OTTIAQ



Syndic’s role

The syndic’s role is to ensure that members of the Order comply with the provisions of the Professional Code, the Code of ethics and the Order’s regulations.


Lodge a complaint

Anyone who wishes to lodge a complaint against a member of the Order may do so by addressing the syndic, which has the power to investigate a professional’s conduct. Following its investigation, the syndic may seize the disciplinary committee by way of a complaint, if relevant.

The syndic may also receive applications for conciliation in cases where clients have a dispute with a member of the Order concerning the amount of an account for professional services, whether it has been paid or not. For unpaid accounts, clients may file a written application for conciliation with the syndic, provided that the member has not instituted proceedings to recover the account. For accounts paid in full or in part, clients may file a written application for conciliation with the syndic within 45 days of the receipt of the account

Andy Noroozi, Lawyer, Certified Translator, Certified Interpreter, LL.M. Tax, is the Syndic of the Order.

Follow these steps:

  1. Check whether the professional whom you hired is a member of the Order by looking them up on our website or by calling us at 514-845-4411 or 1-800-265-4815, extension 0.


  1. Contact the office of the syndic directly to request that an investigation be opened. Please submit your request for an investigation to the syndic in writing (mail or email) and that you include your reasons for lodging a complaint against a member and attach all relevant supporting documents.


  1. The office of the syndic will contact you once your request is received.

Contact the office of the syndic

Contact information:

Andy Noroozi, Lawyer, Certified Translator, Certified Interpreter, LL.M. Tax, Syndic




Every professional order has a disciplinary council. Its role is to handle any complaint made against a member of the Order regarding a violation of the provisions of the Professional Code, the Code of ethics or one of the Order’s regulations.


The disciplinary council is made up of at least three members:


  • One of the members, the chair, is designated by the Bureau des présidents de conseils de discipline every time a complaint is brought before the council.
  • At least two other members are named by the board of directors, which chooses them among the members of the professional order.


OTTIAQ’s disciplinary council has three members. The two members named by the Order’s Board of Directors are Victor C. Jaar, Certified Translator, and Marcel Gagnon, Certified Translator.



Every professional order must establish a review committee.


The function of this committee is to give, when requested, an opinion regarding a decision of the syndic or the assistant syndic not to lodge a complaint against a professional with the disciplinary council.


The board of directors appoints three persons to the review committee. At least one of the members must be chosen from among the directors appointed by the Office des professions du Québec or from among the individuals whose names appear on a list that the Office may compile for that purpose.


OTTIAQ’s Review Committee is made up of Guy Bertrand, Certified Translator, Chair, Johanne Boucher, Certified Translator, and Marie Poitras, Appointed Director.

Contact the Review Commitee.

Account arbitration

Account arbitration

A procedure for the conciliation and arbitration of accounts has been determined by regulation. This procedure allows all clients who have a dispute with a member of the Order concerning the amount of an account for professional services, whether it has been paid or not, to file an application for conciliation. For unpaid accounts, clients may file a written application for conciliation with the syndic, provided that the member has not instituted proceedings to recover the account. For accounts paid in full or in part, clients may file a written application for conciliation with the syndic within 45 days of the receipt of the account.

If the conciliation does not lead to an agreement, the client may, within 30 days of the receipt of the conciliation report, apply for arbitration of the account by sending an application to the secretary of the council of arbitration. The council will study the application and make a decision.


The members of the council of arbitration are Joanne Leclerc, Certified Translator, Chair, Nathalie Cartier, Certified Translator, Certified Terminologist, and Anne-Marie De Vos, Certified Translator.

Contact the  account arbitration council.